Pursuing the Common Good (Statement of the Philippine Province Jesuits on the May 2022 Elections)

Pursuing the Common Good (Statement of the Philippine Province Jesuits on the May 2022 Elections)

The May 2022 Elections place all Filipinos at a crucial juncture in our nation’s history. At this time when much of that contemporary history is being misrepresented, citizens, and especially Christians, are called to strive vigorously to ensure that our choice of leaders serves the common good, particularly the best interests of the most vulnerable in society. The Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) takes up this task knowing that the soundness of that choice is under serious threat from systematic attempts to misinform our people.

Part of the spiritual legacy of St. Ignatius of Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits, is the discipline of discernment, as against straightforward decision-making. He invites people to a deep self-awareness of one’s motivations for considering various choices. Ignatian discernment is never between good and evil, where the choice is obvious, but between “good” and “better.” This exercise requires critical thinking and an inner freedom to rise above one’s feelings. Against the cynicism of many, we must ask, who are the good candidates, and who might be better?

To pursue the common good by promoting wise choices, and to counter efforts that deceive and coerce, we offer the attached “Discernment Guide for Choosing Candidates” prepared by the Society of Jesus Social Apostolate Commission. We humbly recommend it for adaptation in various contexts.

Motivated by their own discernment, individuals and institutions in the Jesuit Philippine Province may express their preferences for candidates for national office, and share their reasons for doing so. Some have already done this. We commend them for their sense of civic duty and desire to live Gospel values in the realm of politics. We trust that such efforts will always be carried out with a commitment to truth, justice, integrity, and respect for those who may disagree, knowing that many young people in our care look to us for guidance and inspiration.

In the face of many grave threats to our democratic and Christian values, particularly the potential return to power of a dictator’s son, we must resist the temptation to resign ourselves to what surveys and opinion polls say, or to sit back and wait for the elections to pass. We live in challenging times, but are called to be ministers of hope and joy. Pope Francis has said that Jesuits must “never be robbed of that joy…through discouragement when faced with the great measure of evil in the world and misunderstandings among those who intend to do good.”

Discern. Choose. Act. As persons for and with others, let our collective voices for truth and justice be heard.

25 February 2022

