Fr. Amado S. Cruz, SJ (1942-2018)

Fr. Amado S. Cruz, SJ (1942-2018)

September 4, 2018

This is to inform you that FR. AMADO S. CRUZ, S. J. died in his sleep early this morning, September 4, 2018, at The Jesuit Health and Wellness Center, Quezon City. He had been suffering increasing decline from Parkinson’s Disease since 1998. Fr. Amado, 75, entered the Society on 16 July 1965 and was ordained to the presbyterate on 23 April 1972. Requiescat in pace.

Wake: The wake begins this evening in the Oratory of St. Ignatius, Loyola House of Studies, Loyola Heights, Q.C. Daily wake Masses at 8 p.m.

Funeral Mass: On Friday, 7 September at 8 a.m. in the Oratory of St. Ignatius, LHS.

Interment: Sacred Heart Novitiate Jesuit Cemetery, right after the Funeral Mass.

By Sch. Amado T. Tumbali, S.J., Asst. Prov. Archivist

Fr. Amado Sayas Cruz, S.J. was born on 4 November 1942 in Dueñas, Iloilo. He attended primary school at Tanza Elementary School, Navotas and secondary education at St. James Academy in Malabon. College was at Ateneo de Manila University where he obtained an A.B. History and Government in 1963. Amado then served as a teacher of Mt. Carmel High School in Polilio, Quezon. Two years later, he entered Sacred Heart Novitiate on 16 July 1965, just as the reforms of Vatican II were getting underway. Some of his batch mates were Visminlu Chua [CHN], Joel Tabora, Nilo Tanalega, and Noel Vasquez, now priests of the Society. Bro. Sulpicio Quipanes followed them to the novitiate on 30 October.

After two years, Amado proceeded to Philosophy at Ateneo (1967-69). Because he had already taught for two years prior to entering the Society, he skipped Regency and went to Loyola School of Theology, finishing studies (1969-73) with a Bachelor in Sacred Theology. He was ordained a Deacon on 9 April 1972 at San Carlos Seminary, Makati by Bishop Artemio Casas, then Auxiliary Bishop of Manila and, with Frs. Venancio Calpotura and Joseph Francia, to the presbyterate on 23 April 1972 by Bishop Pedro Bantigue of San Pablo, Laguna. With priestly studies, Amado also studied Sociology at Ateneo in 1967-1973. He did his tertianship in Denver, Colorado (January – June 1978) and professed his final vows on 16 July 1986 at the Oratory of St. Ignatius, Loyola House of Studies.

Fr. Amado’s active ministry may be divided into two works, pastoral and curial. After ordination, he was Assistant National Director of the Share and Care Apostolate (1973-76), Parish Priest of San Jose Resettlement in Carmona, Cavite (1974-76), Socius to the Novice Master, Fr. Mateo Sanchez, at Sacred Heart Novitiate (1976-77), Secretary to Fr. Provincial Joaquin Bernas (1979-81), the first Parish Priest of Transfiguration Parish in Cubao, Quezon City, and Socius to Provincials Frs. Renato A. Ocampo and Noel Vasquez (1989-1994).

In the mid-1990s, Fr. Amado was diagnosed with Progressive Parkinson’s Disease and since 1998 has been assigned to pray for the Church and the Society of Jesus. In 2006, he transferred to Lucas Infirmary at Loyola House of Studies, and in 2016 to the Jesuit Health and Wellness Center where he died in his sleep, likely of acute heart failure, on 4 September 2018 at 4:52 a.m.

Fr Reynaldo Usman on September 7, 2018 AT 11 pm

I was assistant parish priest of Transfiguration Parish in Cubao from 2005-2007. Parishioners told me that Fr Amado Cruz was a gentle, dedicated and caring pastor.
Eternal rest grant to the soul of Fr Amado and may perpetual light shine on him. May he rest in peace.

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