About Us

Philippine Jesuit Aid Association

The mission continues.

Our aim is to invite men and women to become our partners in the mission entrusted to us and help support that mission with their prayers and generosity especially in the following areas:

1 Recruitment, training, and commissioning of a new generation of Jesuits

Philosophy, theology, communications – these are but some of the fields in which our young men need training. Aside from academic formation, future workers in the vineyard must also be given opportunities for spiritual growth. Investing in the next generation of ministers is investing in the Church.

2 Apostolic Works that Require subsidy, especially work for – and with the poor

Nabag-o-Jesus-Nazareno Philippine Jesuit Aid Association
Jesus Nazareno, Nabag-o, Bukidnon

The Philippine Province is engaged in rural parishes, parish schools and Indigenous Peoples (IPs). One example is our work in the island of Culion. Although Culion is no longer a leper colony, the Society is still engaged in educating the people of the island, many of whom are children of former lepers. The Province also sustains other mission parishes in Bukidnon, Mindanao, and many other social centers and retreat houses.

3 Caring for Aged and Infirm Jesuits

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ONe of our aging priests being helped by care givers.

Jesuit priests and brothers who have grown old working long years in the educational, social, parish apostolates, or in retreat work and who are now in the Jesuit Health and Wellness Center deserve, in a special way, our care and compassion. With you as our partners in mission, we ensure that these men receive adequate medical care.

4 Building up the Church in the Philippines

lst-facade Philippine Jesuit Aid Association
Loyola School of Theology

The Philippine Province maintains and staffs two seminaries: San Jose Seminary on the campus of the Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City, serving the Philippine Church nationally; and St. John Theological Seminary in Cagayan de Oro City serving mainly the dioceses in Mindanao.

Partners in Mission

We appeal to you to continue as our Partners supporting our common mission with prayers and with generosity. Please contact the PJAA to learn more about our work and to find our how you can support the Philippine Jesuits.

By pjaa

Follower of St. Ignatius of Loyola.