Holy Week Retreat

Come and rest awhile in prayer!

CIS invites those who wish to have some personal time for quiet, prayer, and reflection to this year’s HOLY WEEK RETREAT. It has been three years since the last time that the Center offered an onsite retreat. We hope you can join us in this retreat and be home anew at the Sacred Heart Retreat House.

Following the existing health guidelines and restrictions, we have only limited slots for this retreat.

For more details, please click the links below:

RETREAT DETAILS: https://bit.ly/HWR-Details-2022

APPLICATION FORM: https://bit.ly/HWR-Application-Forms-2022

#HolyWeekRetreat #Lent2021 #praywithCIS #cisPH #IgnatianSpirituality #CISPhilippines #IgnatianYear #Ignatius500