3 Day Silent Retreat

Come and rest awhile in prayer!

CIS invites those who wish to have some personal time for quiet, prayer, and reflection to a mid-year-3-DAY SILENT RETREAT. This individually guided retreat is a good opportunity to have some space amidst the busyness and even changes and transitions for many; to reflect on the experiences during the 1st half of the year and to pray for the next half and beyond. Allow yourself to rest and be renewed. Join us in this retreat at the Sacred Heart Retreat House.

For more details, please click the links below:

RETREAT DETAILS: https://bit.ly/Retreat-Details-2022

APPLICATION FORM: https://bit.ly/3-Day-Retreat-2022

#3DaySilentRetreat #praywithCIS #cisPH #IgnatianSpirituality #CISPhilippines #IgnatianYEar #Ignatius500